DailyKhabar (referred to as “DailyKhabar” “Dailyख़बर” / “We” / “Us” / “Our”) is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable news content to our audience. If we identify inaccuracies or errors in our published material, we have established this Corrections Policy to promptly address and rectify such issues. We acknowledge our responsibility to our readers and commit to transparently communicating any corrections made.


DailyKhabar strives to deliver precise and comprehensive news reports based on all available information at the time of reporting. We are committed to rectifying errors swiftly upon discovery. As a digital platform, we ensure corrections are communicated through our social media handles, accompanied by an editor’s note detailing the corrections made and specifying the nature of the error. In instances of significant misinformation, we issue timely apologies to our readers.

Updating a Report

We employ a clear notation system to indicate updates on our stories. Corrections, clarifications, or editor’s notes are used to inform readers whenever substantial changes are made to an article. If an error is identified in our fact-check process, we promptly update the article with a bold notation at the top stating “[Correction: Updated Info…]” and explain the correction. We encourage our community members to contribute corrections by emailing the editor at [email protected]. Additionally, every article includes an option for readers to suggest corrections.


In cases where substantive corrections are required for an article, photo caption, headline, graphic, video, or other material, we promptly publish a correction explaining the necessity of the change.


When our journalism is factually correct but the language used to convey those facts is unclear or lacking detail, we rewrite the language and add clarification to the story. Clarifications are also used to note any failure to seek a comment initially or to highlight shifts in our account of an event due to new reporting.

Editor’s Notes

If a correction questions the entire substance of an article or raises significant ethical concerns, it may necessitate an editor’s note. Approval from a senior editor is mandatory for the addition of an editor’s note.

Other Corrections Policies

When errors are identified by readers and posted in the comments, our community engagement team acknowledges the correction. If erroneous information is shared on social networks, we correct it on the respective platform or, if necessary, retract it.

Reporting Inaccuracies

Readers who believe a published story is inaccurate can contact our editorial team through the ‘Suggest A Correction’ section at the end of each web story or via email at [email protected].

Take-down Requests

DailyKhabar does not entertain take-down requests as an editorial policy. We are open to investigating claims of inaccuracy and publishing corrections if deemed necessary. We consider editorial action in line with fairness, but the removal of an article is only considered in rare circumstances where warranted by threats to personal safety due to the existence of specific material.

We remain committed to maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and accountability in our reporting.